Euro-GSM buys 17-store network

Ziarul Financiar 29.09.2006
Euro-GSM, one of the main retailers of telephony products and services in Romania, has acquired Kartel, a network of 17 stores specialising in the sale of mobile telephony services and products. After the contract as an Orange dealer was transferred from Rurin, based in Brasov (the owner of Kartel stores) to Euro-GSM, and the latter opened its own stores in the last quarter, the Euro-GSM network reached 130 outlets. "The stores we have acquired cover an area where we had not been previously represented. It is easier to buy already existing networks than to start from scratch when opening a store. Acquiring the Kartel network has added an extra 50 employees to the company," stated Dan Dobrota, marketing manager of Euro-GSM. Dobrota added the company plans to make another acquisition by the end of the year. The acquired stores are located in Sibiu, Sfantu Gheorghe, Iasi, Focsani, Pitesti, Medias, Fagaras, Tulcea, Sighisoara, Bacau, Onesti and Brasov. Dobrota specified that another advantage for the company is the brand awareness that the purchased stores enjoyed.