Beer market reaches 600m euros

Ziarul Financiar 10.12.2004

The beer market continued to grow this year, as in recent years. However, the pace of growth was much slower and was accompanied by a repositioning and restructuring in the PET sector and an increasingly fierce clash on the premium and superpremium market segment. The big four - Brau Union Romania, Interbrew Romania, SAB Miller and United Romanian Breweries Bereprod - continued to carve out a 75% market share for themselves, though they are experiencing a serious threat from European Drinks, which leapfrogged to third place less than a year after entering the market. Smaller independent brewers, who dominate at a regional level and account for the remaining 25% of the market along with European Drinks, are optimistic about the future. Maj or players expect the market to hit the 14 million-hectolitre mark this year, giving it a value of around 600 million euros, slightly up on the previous year's results of 12.8 million hectolitres and 550 million euros. ZF