Petromidia invests 3m euros in Euro 5

Ziarul Financiar 01.12.2004

The Petromidia Refinery will begin production of Euro 5-compliant diesel oil as of next February, following a $3.8 million (2.9 million euro) investment in equipment upgrading, Rompetrol officials say. The Euro 5 standard will become mandatory for all fuels sold in the European Union as of 2007, with the same planned for Romania in 2009. Euro 5 fuel has a sulphur content of maximum 10 parts per million. The equipment upgrade will ensure that more than half of the diesel produced by Petromidia complies with Euro 4 standards, with Euro 5-compliant diesel scheduled for production as of February 2005. At the end of last week, the company was delivered a reactor for use in rehabilitating the diesel oil installation, which will be installed by Rominserv, Rompetrol Group's industrial service arm. ZF< /P>