Metro breaks 400m euro milestone

Autor: Ionut Bonoiu 02.09.2004

Metro Cash & Carry Romania SRL derived turnover worth 410 million euros in the first half of this year, being the leading commercial network on the Romanian market from this point of view.

According to Metro Cash & Carry Romania, the figure is over 36% higher as compared to the same period last year, in the context where the number of stores increased.

While in the first half of last year Metro Cash & Carry Romania operated 15 stores, at present the number of stores has reached 19. In the last months of 2003 Metro opened no less than 4 stores. This year, the 20th store will be opened in Brasov.

According to company estimations, turnover for Metro Cash & Carry Romania during the whole of 2004 will reach 800 million euros, higher than the 762 million euros reported last year.

This year, Metro Cash & Carry Romania will also expand abroad. The German group announced that, starting this December, it would open its first store in the Republic of Moldova, with the Romanian branch offering the necessary support for the expansion.

Metro was the first international group in the trade domain to enter the Romanian market, opening its first cash & carry store in 1996. While during its first years of activity Metro opened one or two stores per year, setting a target of ten stores, over the last four years the company has sped up its rate of development. It opened four stores in each of the last three years, the final target it has announced being 20 stores.