Renault wants fewer expats at Dacia

Autor: Diana Sava 08.07.2004

Renault Group intends to cut the number of expats working in Romania. It hopes that by 2007, four times fewer expats will be employed than at present, said Alain Duval, the executive in charge of Automobile Dacia's HR Project.

He stated that Renault had invested over 6.2 million euros (250bn ROL) in the professional training of its employees since taking over Dacia in 1999, which accounts for more than one million hours of specialised training.

"Renault has invested around 50bn ROL a year in professional training, and 15% of those one million hours were dedicated to building managerial competencies," Duval said.

The number of professional training hours per employee has gradually increased so that each employee came to benefit from 30 hours of training in 2004.

"Dacia is in this way rallying to Renault's standards, with the average number of training hours per person being ten times higher than in 1999." Duval said that starting next year the managers at Dacia would take part in "corporate management" training sessions, organised by Renault. These will allow the team to understand the strategy of the group in detail, as well as its application.

"There's a quota allocated for each branch of the group and we believe about 10 managers from Dacia will participate in these activities in 2005, which are part of the group's internationalisation process," Alain Duval added.

The company will launch its Logan model in Romania this autumn, which is also to be produced in other countries such as Russia and Iran. For this purpose, Dacia officials explained that employees from the Moscow factory have arrived in Romania to receive training and learn from the experience of the Pitesti team.

Dacia employed 27,560 people prior to its privatisation. Since the arrival of Renault this number was gradually reduced to 20,000, to 18,000, and now stands at less than 17,000.

New product launches have made the company hire a lot of people lately, mainly looking for those with high levels of education. Its latest recruitment ads announced openings for 50 graduate engineers, economists and IT specialists.