PwC begins race for Dracula investments

Ziarul Financiar 02.07.2003

The investments in building Dracula Park could keep at the same level as set in the initial project, i.e. $30 million. This is what the feasibility study conducted by consulting firm PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) and presented to shareholders on Monday says. "The consulting firm has prepared three basic scenarios concerning the investment volume, all of which devised in a generally cautious frame of mind. One of the options is about the same as the initial project. A phased development is planned, though, so that changes may be made depending on the conditions on the market," Sorin Marica, chairman of the Board of Directors of the company managing the amusement park told Ziarul Financiar. Initially called Fondul de Dezvoltare Turistica Sighisoara SA (Sighisoara Touristic Development Fund - FDTS), the company will change its name to Dracula Park SA as approved by its shareholders. The y also endorsed the feasibility study devised by PwC, as well as the report on the shareholders leaving the company and the repurchase value of the shares. The most important decision, however, was adopting the strategy to ensure full financing of the construction of the park, which has PwC starting to look for investors in exchange for a success fee. ZF