Cris-Tim ready for chip implants

Ziarul Financiar 23.04.2003

Technology has proven it is no longer enough to take your cow out to graze to convince it to yield milk. Charcuterie producer Cris-Tim is willing to do whatever it takes to convince its 400 Holstein cows imported from France to be productive. The general manager and also the main shareholder of the company, Radu Timis, says all the cows "on the payroll" of Cris-Tim's dairy will have chips implanted in their ears so that the employees of the farm could constantly monitor them. "This way we'll know exactly how much every one of them has eaten and if it is meritorious then it will be rewarded with more food."
Moreover, the Holstein cows will have some classical music to listen to. "They will listen to Bach and Mozart and will have scratching machines available. The y will be allowed to graze freely in the back of the pasture, where four types of grass will grow," Timis added. ZF