Beer market stays at 600m euros

Ziarul Financiar 28.03.2006
Beer consumption last year saw a 4.7% increase to 15.2 million hectolitres due to a 43.5% increase in sales of beer in PET bottles compared with 2004. The increase of consumption in the PET bottled beer market sector, together with a drop in sales of bottled beer and canned beer and an advancement in sales of beer in pint glasses keeps the market at about 600 million euros, the same as in 2004. According to the "Brewers of Romania" Association, which includes the leading brewers on the local market (Brau Union, Interbrew, United Romanian Breweries Bereprod and Ursus Breweries), there was an increase in sales of beer in PET bottles. This increase of sales in the PET bottled beer sector accounted for more than one third of the beer market by the end of last year. "Ro manians drink increasingly more beer in PET bottles, with this packaging being preferred far more often than other traditional forms: the bottle and the can," said Costantin Bratu, general manager of the Association. ZF