NBR reserves resume growth in May

Autor: ZF 06.06.2007
The foreign currency reserve of the National Bank of Romania (NBR) started to rise again in May, after three consecutive months spent in decline. In May the reserves saw a 525.5 million-euro increase reaching 21.938 billion euros, therefore offsetting the decline in the February-April period. Inflows stood at 922.2 million euros, and outflows at 396.7 million euros, indicates a NBR release sent to the MEDIAFAX agency yesterday. Therefore, the value of reserves exceeded the 21.7 billion euros registered in January, as the May increase was higher than the total declines of around 292 million euros registered in February, March and April. The gold reserve remained at 104.7 tonnes. Given the trend of the international prices, its value has declined slightly, to 1.643 billion euros, which puts the international reserves of the central bank (foreign currencies plus gold) at over 23.58 billion euros.