Germany becomes Romania's main trade partner

Ziarul Financiar 02.05.2007
Germany left Italy behind for the first time, in the ranking of Romania's main trade partners, due to the massive imports of cars and technological goods from Germany. In other words, the import of German cars is responsible both for Germany topping Italy in the ranking of Romania's trade partners, as well as for the record high trade deficit seen at the beginning of this year. According to data from the National Statistics Institute (INS), trade with Germany totalled 897 million euros in January this year, compared with 783 million euros, which is the value of trade with Italy, Romania's leading commercial partner for the last five years or more. Romania's top commercial partners include France, Turkey, Hungary and Russia. Among all these states, Romania only has a trade surplus in relation to Turkey. Apa rt from that, vehicle and technology imports (predominantly from Germany and France) exceed Romania's exports to these states by far, with one of the biggest deficits being experienced in relation to Germany (over 2.1 billion euros last year, i.e. 15% of the Romania's trade imbalance for 2006).