Omnilogic: business falls to 130m dollars

Ziarul Financiar 15.03.2007
Omnilogic, an IT service provider and the biggest player on the local market of IT&C distribution, closed last year with a turnover valued around 130 million dollars (103.6 million euros), an over 15% fall against the previous year. Gabriel Marin, general manager of Omnilogic, says company results reflect the local conditions, i.e. a market that is not seeing an organic growth and that is affected by the absence of major projects from the public sector. "I don't think Romania currently has a private sector capable of sustaining an increase in IT&C business, leaving aside the financial-banking sector and telecom operators, as the results have shown," states Gabriel Marin. "The public sector has virtually been non-existent in the last two years, and in a way this is quite natural. Civ il servants have a different range of concerns: the DNA (National Anticorruption Department), the DIICOT (Department of Organised Crime and Terrorism Investigation), and other major issues rather than spending time creating new projects. With all due respect, over the last two years people have been more concerned about smaller public issues such as kerbs and road surfaces," added the head of Omnilogic.