Retail networks hire former UniverseAll employees

Autor: Mihaela Popescu 27.02.2007
The retail operators, which bought the Univers'All stores, after Razvan Petrovici decided to sell them off in succession, have employed part of the former staff of the outlets.
Sixty former employees of Univers'All have been transferred to the new operators that purchased the stores, which employed approximately 300 people.
The retailers Interex, Profi and GeMarket, which purchased 5 Univers'All outlets before the network went bankrupt, took over approximately 60 employees. These employees had to choose between being transferred to the networks that bought the outlets or looking for other jobs in the field of retail.
"We invited the entire Univers'All Tarnaveni team to our company presentation and, at the end, a significant number of them decided to apply for the jobs offered. A s election process followed, where we recruited some of the former Univers'All staff members, which now account for 80% of the Profi Tarnaveni team," said Gabriel Racz, human resources manager with the discount store network Profi.
At the time it was taken over, the Univers'All Tarnaveni supermarket employed approximately 26 people. Profi Rom Food, the company that operates the Profi discount stores acquired the Univers'All supermarket based in Tarnaveni for approximately 0.5 million euros last year, according to the information previously offered by Univers'All.
"All the employees of the Profi store based in Tarnaveni, including the former employees of Univers'All, will benefit from the standard period of training," added Gabriel Racz.
On a market characterised by the aggressive expansion of the international retailers, some of the Univers'All employees chose to seek employment with the other retail networks themselves instead of waiting to be transferred to the new operators of the stores.
"We took over 20 employees in partly because, as far as we are aware, the former manager of Univers'All Sibiu left to join the Trident network and took a significant part of the team with him," said Stanislas Mainfroy, the general secretary of Interex CDE Romania. Interex took over the Sibiu-based Univers'All outlet last year, which it has recently re-opened under its companyes own brand, employing 53 people.
"We did not employ any of the former Univers'All staff for the store we opened in Suceava because it operates in a different way. As far as we know, the former Univers'All employees in this city have gone to the Selgros Cash&Carry network," state representatives of the Romstal company.