British Airways: 20% of tickets will be sold online

Ziarul Financiar 18.09.2007
British Airways expects 20% of tickets for the Bucharest-London route to be sold online, an increase from the current 10%, after the airline introduced the online boarding service, through which customers can print out their ticket and choose their seats, 24 hours before the flight, from the comfort of their own home. British Airways registers a higher than 76% occupancy rate on the Bucharest-London route. The company saw passenger numbers to and from Romania soar by 15% in the first half of this year, against the same period last year. The company's representatives offered no information on the number of passengers who actually travelled on this route. "We expect ticket sales to rise again, by around 15%-20%, given that we will have lower prices for a two week period," said Emil Delibashev, British Airways country manager for Romania and Bulgaria. Giv en the high demand registered on the Bucharest-London route, the company's representatives are considering increasing the frequency for this flight and also introducing new flights to London from Transylvania. Delibashev chose not to provide any information on the company's market share in Romania or the level of turnover generated.