Four companies come up with four million euros together for holiday voucher race

Autor: Mirabela Tiron 13.04.2009

All nine players on the voucher market will fight over a market of holiday vouchers estimated at 50 million euros this year, which could attract 225,000 employees. Four of the nine companies, Accor Services, Sodexho Pass, Cheque Dejeuner and Bluticket have announced they have already increased their share capital by one million euros each, while the other five competitors licensed by the Finance Ministry (Tichet Plus, Euroticket, Romticket, Ascendi and Cuget Liber) have sixty days from the receipt of the licence to increase their capital.

"Based on the signatures we have so far we estimate that 10% of our corporate clients will be offering holiday vouchers in the future. The total value of the holiday voucher market will amount to approximately 50 million euros by the end of the year. In a few years from now, it will reach 10% of the market of luncheon vouchers," stated Adina Popa, marketing manager of Sodexho Romania.
The players that issue such tickets have already started to affiliate pensions, hotels and travel agencies, of which the Finance Ministry has authorised about 7,000 to join the system. The representatives of the biggest voucher issuers expect at least 10% of the corporate clients on the luncheon voucher segment (a market put at 1.4 billion euros and 2.5 million users) to become holiday voucher customers.
The nominal values of the holiday vouchers may be of 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 RON, with the maximum amount that can be offered to an employee accounting for the value of six minimum guaranteed gross wages, that is no more than 3,600 RON. The government estimates there will be about 100,000 employees that could benefit from holiday vouchers this year, and the tax exemptions stipulated by the law could translate into almost 36 million RON lower revenues for the state budget.
Philippe Blecon, general manager of Accor Services, the biggest issuer of vouchers on the domestic market, stated that he expected the holiday vouchers to be requested by 10% of the luncheon voucher clients, that is 3,500 companies, which will offer their employees holiday vouchers.
Elena Pap, general manager of Cheque Dejeuner, which has already started creating a network of affiliated partners in the tourism industry, says that she sees holiday vouchers as a product that will be beneficial in more ways than the current products, for the employer, the employee and the economy alike. "We want to service the 500,000 employees that are our clients, most of whom have expressed interest in buying these products, as well as to gain new clients, including the public sector," she added.
As for the newest issuer on the voucher market, Ascendi, its marketing manager, Stefan Constantinescu says, " We estimate that 30% of the employees that are our customers on the luncheon voucher segment will get holiday vouchers this year. That is 25,500 salaried customers who will get holiday vouchers, which is the optimistic scenario."