UniCredit Tiriac VP: Slowing down lending to the maximum is no solution

Autor: Razvan Voican 19.07.2009

The big dilemma of every banker today is to whom they should grant loans, and the nose, which is based on experience, is more important than ever, says Daniela Bodirca, vice-president of UniCredit Tiriac in charge of risk management.
"I don't think slowing down lending to the maximum is a solution to avoid risks, especially since the cash is there. Of course, government securities are an option, but I believe we have to play our role in the economy and look for investment niches, because lending is essential to the economy, even though today's approach is much more cautious," Bodirca stated.
She says the nose does not come out of the blue, but from the experience acquired, and has to be helped with risk quantifying elements.
"You don't find the problems overnight, you feel them in research and can anticipate them. As a risk manager, you have to feel the areas that need action in order to have a proactive approach, manage the areas where there are problems already and at the same identify business opportunities, help the sellers."
UniCredit shifted to a more prudent business strategy, which propagates down to credit application reviews. "We do not have the experience of such situations in Romania, but the big banks can take advantage of the experience acquired in the groups they are part of."
"We put a lot emphasis on the contribution of the client, and the guarantees is subjected to thorough evaluation process, with relevant adjustment quotients. We are even more thorough with standard transactions and constantly recalibrate the scoring system. We also look at the client's employer, at the industry he or she works in, at the professional qualification and the chances of finding another job if necessary."
Besides the increased caution of bankers, Bodirca also notes the reluctance of many clients, in part because of the still high costs which are prohibitive, as well as of the lack of business opportunities so long as there is decline everywhere.