Leasing firms have come to repossess fishing boats and jet skis

Autor: Angela Placinta 18.02.2010

Leasing firms have come to also repossess less usual goods from bad payers, such as tanning devices, fishing boats, jet skis, knitting machines or coffee machines, after having focused especially on repossessing cars last year. For instance, on TBI Leasing's website, the most unusual objects repossessed and now put up for sale include a Merry Fisher 625 fishing boat, at the price of 28,000 euros plus VAT, as well as several tanning devices, with the most expensive one costing 4,000 euros plus VAT. "The weirdest goods we repossessed are two charcuterie smoking devices. We recovered them from a plant that went insolvent a year ago and we are trying to resell them to charcuterie firms, but we haven't found a buyer, yet," states Razvan Diaconescu, general manager of Impuls Leasing, a top ten company domestically.