Evalueserve seeks Romanians with two diplomas

Autor: Adrian Seceleanu 02.03.2010

Almost 50 Romanians, some with two academic specialisations, are based in Cluj and conducting complex financial analyses and market research for companies in Western Europe and for multinationals. The business has posted growth, which may lead to doubling the number of employees, say representatives for Evalueserve, a multinational specialising in outsourcing services.

"We are not involved in taking over simple business processes, repeated over and over again, but in services that require high expertise, with two academic specialisations being often needed," says CEO Marc Vollenweider, explaining the difference between Evalueserve and companies dealing in business process outsourcing, whose business has boomed over the last few years.

Around 10,000 Romanians have over the last few years been employed in outsourcing divisions of giants such as Alcatel-Lucent, Genpact, HP, IBM, Oracle, and Wipro.

Whilst the above-mentioned companies also employ undergraduate students, at Evalueserve 40% of employees have two separate degrees, says Vollenweider. "For instance, we have graduates of economy and applied statistics, or banks & finances and financial management."