Iordache appoints Egyptian to the helm of Blue Air

Autor: Mirabela Tiron 15.03.2010
The management of Blue Air low-cost airline, controlled by businessman Nelu Iordache, has been taken over by the former sales manager, Egyptian-born Sherif Ussama, working with the firm since September 2009, according to the company's representatives. Ussama, 36, replacing Adrian Ionascu, had worked for Qatar Airways before joining Blue Air. Blue Air representatives did not provide further details about the company's new general manager, with the information to be released tomorrow. The move is quite surprising as Ionascu, 54, has run Blue Air for ten months, a period during which the airline saw its turnover rise and its number of passengers go up to 1.7 million people. "In the wake of this position change, I will have other responsibilities, more focused on the operational and technical segments. They probably wanted to give a new impetus to Blue Air," Adrian Ionascu stated.