Patriciu finds first tenant for Cubic Center: a company he controls

Autor: Cristi Moga 29.03.2010

Company Mic.Ro Retail, controlled by businessman Dinu Patriciu, is the first tenant of office building Cubic Center in Pipera, where it rented three of the 12 floors of the building also held by the former owner of the Rompetrol Group, via investment fund Black Sea Global Properties (BSGP).
"We rented the first three floors of Cubic Center, but I cannot give the name of the tenants. We will issue a press release over the next few days," Mark Owen, property director of Black Sea Global, which manages the real estate portfolio acquired alongside British investment fund Fabian, told ZF.
The administrative personnel of the building says, however, that employees of Mic.Ro Retail have already started to work on two of the floors. The company was set up five months ago by Dinu Patriciu and is managed by Eric Kish, one of the first employees of Dinu Patriciu at the Rompetrol group. He could not, however, be contacted by the time this issue was ready for print.
Three floors of Cubic Center amount to a gross lettable area of around 6,000 square metres, which could accommodate around 500 people. Mic.Ro Retail is currently seeking personnel including on recruitment websites and, according to information recently published in the press, is set to operate an extensive chain of convenience stores.