How a home can become energetically independent with just 20,000 euros

Autor: Vlad Anastasiu 27.04.2010

Experts maintain a household can be energetically independent in the wake of investments worth just 20,000 euros and can even supply electricity to the national system for money once the legal framework has been laid out. Romanians are in no hurry to buy them, though, particularly as green energy is not promoted, reads Business Construct monthly in its April 29th issue. At present, there are no statistical data on the number of homes equipped with renewable power systems in Romania, but specialists consider their number will rise in the following period, especially if owners start to grasp the benefits of using such technologies. The biggest advantage a renewable energy system can offer to an owner relates to energy independence. Such a system can be exploited over a period of 20 years and should its acquisition and installation be subsidised by the state, owners could benefit from free energy for almost 13 years, in the context where investments could be amortised in less than eight years after installation.