Insurers try to build customer base before mandatory home insurance start

Autor: Angela Placinta 11.05.2010

Several insurers have embarked upon extensive campaigns for the sale of voluntary home insurance over the past month, so that they may have a considerable client base at the moment mandatory insurance is launched. The stake is not high, yet, of around 100-150m euros, but the initial premium is likely to go up in the future, boosting insurers' turnover. Companies such as Allianz-Tiriac, Astra, Omniasig and Groupama are currently carrying out strong campaigns to sell home insurance through ads and various partnerships. Several months ago, Generali also carried out a campaign. "Insurers are trying to create a portfolio, because voluntary policies will be valid anyway after the introduction of mandatory insurance until they expire, but also because clients will be easier to keep when mandatory insurance is introduced," states Karina Rosu, general manager of Aon insurance broker. "(...) Major cross-selling opportunities are emerging," explains Gheorghe Grad, general manager of SRBA insurance broker.