GTS telecom operator buys local 5m-euro family business Datek

Autor: Magraon Andreea 09.06.2010

GTS Central Europe, one of the leading alternative telecom operators in Central and Eastern Europe, took over local company Datek, part of a consolidation strategy on the European market that it began in 2004. The two companies did not reveal the value of the acqcuistion, but announced the revenues of the newly created entity would reach 25 million euros this year.

Established by Leonard Lichi and his wife in 1994, Datek specialises in alternative telecom services such as data transmission, infrastructure development and IT systems integration. The company, which has about 200 clients, either telecoms or international financial institutions, also provides project management services and hosting and software development solutions. According to Finance Ministry data, Datek posted 0.34 million-euro profit and 5 million-euro turnover in 2008, when it had almost 100 employees.