Transelectrica: It takes at least 200m euros to support Dobrogea wind farms

Autor: Roxana Petrescu 16.06.2010

The concentration of wind energy projects to be registered in the Dobrogea area in the following years will lead to mandatory investments in the electricity transmission network, with minimum sums standing at 200m euros in this area alone, say Transelectrica representatives. "The minimum sum needed to set new lines in Dobrogea for the development of wind energy projects revolves around 200m euros. There are several things we have to do to this end. Network development involves getting the plots of land, and this is a real challenge. (...) Moreover, we'll have to be able to take over the imbalances arising in the system. (...)," explained Adrian B`icu[i, general manager of Transelectrica, a state-owned company, with 591m-euro turnover in 2009. According to him, besides Dobrogea, areas investors are now interested in for wind farms are Moldova and Banat. "Everybody is dreaming wind can save us from energy problems," B`icu[i also said referring to the high number of projects announced in the field.