GlaxoSmithKline expects four times bigger exports in Braşov

Autor: Ioana David 05.08.2010

GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) pharmaceutical company, owner of Braşov-based Europharm drug maker, projects a 330% increase in exports this year against 2009 as it starts producing new drugs. The company witnessed a strong export advance in 2009 as well, by 186%. Nevertheless, the company's export plans and other projects are clouded by the new industry rules. "GSK plant of Braşov is undergoing transformations amid an investment plan to incorporate production transfer projects for Seroxat, an antidepressant, and Retrovir, a HIV/AIDS drug. The company's intention is to transfer the production of some of GSK original brands to the Braşov plant," said Patrick Desbiens, a general manager with GSK Romania. "In 2010, the level of exports is put at 18.5 million boxes, accounting for 43% of total production of Braşov plant," Desbiens also said. There are no data on the value of exports, but it probably amounts to several tens of million euros, maybe even over 100m euros. GSK would thus become the biggest Romanian drug exporter given that the rest of producers hardly reach 100m-euro exports together. "We feel discouraged in launching any kind of additional investment plans and we're even considering the option of temporarily halting our investments and Braşov exports," said Desbiens.