Palace of Parliament, visited by 400 tourists daily, two times fewer than Budapest Parliament

Autor: Mirabela Tiron 22.09.2010

The Palace of Parliament (Palatul Parlamentului), the world's biggest administrative building opened to visitors and Bucharest's most important point of attraction, has on average received 403 visitors per day since the start of the year, two times fewer than Hungary's Parliament building, according to a ZF survey.

While it has entered the record book three times as being among the biggest, most expensive and heaviest administrative buildings in the world (according to, the Palace of Parliament attracted 98,158 tourists in the first eight months of the year, 7% fewer than in the same period of last year.
Last year, the Palace received 152,107 visitors, compared with 300,000 visitors received by the Parliament building of Budapest, with a built area of 18,000 square metres, almost four times smaller than that of the Palace of Parliament.
"(...) While last year ticket prices were higher for foreign tourists, this year all the adult visitors pay 25 RON (6 euros) for a standard tour," stated the Palace representatives, which did not provide any data about this year's receipts.
According to ZF estimates, the building collected at least 585,000 euros, taking into account the number of visitors and the price of a standard tour.