Tarom seeks to shed "dated brand" label

Autor: Mirabela Tiron 26.09.2010

State-held airline company Tarom, the biggest player in the airline industry by turnover, with 193 million-euro sales last year, has invested around half a million euros last year, according to ZF estimates, in the company's first ever image campaign, conducted by communication group Ogilvy.
Tarom has in previous years conducted campaigns to promote certain destinations, but this is the first one in which it attempts to change the market perception and attract younger clients, with surveys conducted before the campaign showing that Tarom flyers are usually people above 35 with over 4,000-RON monthly income, who tend to be business owners or managers.
"A brand with a 56-year history such as Tarom risks being perceived as conservative, as research as shown. The company's focus on younger clients and the image campaign are meant to change the perception of being a dated brand, and to help create the current image of the Tarom brand," said Ruxandra Brutaru, the company's general manager. Tarom officials' decision to invest in this advertising campaign comes after the company posted 55.8 million euros in losses last year, its biggest this decade, with the company expected to see losses this year, as well.