Voicu: Rich people's fortunes can be managed domestically

Autor: Roxana Pricop 02.11.2010

Eugen Voicu, a pioneer of the domestic investment industry and the general manager of Certinvest management company (the former Aviva Investors), wants to set up the first family offices aimed at rich people, who traditionally leave their fortunes in the hands of Swiss bankers.

Just one month after taking control over Aviva Investors, by repurchasing stock from Britain's Aviva group, Eugen Voicu redraws the strategy of the company he founded 16 years ago, going back to the initial name of Certinvest, and is getting ready to start on his own a niche business domestically: multi family offices, (which manage family wealth).
"Going to Switzerland makes no sense, because rich people's fortunes can be managed domestically. Next March, we want to launch a multi-family office company to provide trust, concierge, fiscal optimisation and investment management services to clients with very high incomes. Our target will be private banking clients, with fortunes of around 1m dollars. To this end, we're working with several foreign banks, of which two are Swiss ones," Eugen Voicu said.
The future company will be a separate entity from Certinvest, but will make use of the experience in managing individual investment accounts, a segment where Certinvest ranks second.