100 billion euros for Danube region

Autor: Iulian Anghel 08.11.2010

100 billion euros, 14 riparian countries and a project drawn on a few sheets a paper. This is the "Danube strategy" a project originating from Romania and Austria assumed by the European Union and receiving financial support from the EU. The Danube summit opened in Bucharest yesterday with heads or government or foreign ministers of the 14 riparian countries attending.

What exactly does Romania want from this strategy? First of all to have the Danube-Bucharest canal completed and least two bridges over Danube built.
Before WWII, the Danube was the most important transport route in the region. What has become of it now? Excluding the upper areas of the river, the region is one of the poorest in Europe.
The Danube strategy should be applied in the second half of 2011. It is based on several principles: connectivity (sustainable transportation and energy grids), environment and water resource protection and risk management, social and economic development (culture, education, research, tourism, rural development, domestic market) and improvement of the government system.