Ford: Half of cars sold next year will be financed by UniCredit

Autor: Bogdan Alecu 22.11.2010

The import division of Ford Romania, the second-largest carmaker on the Romanian market, expects at least 40% of the sales of the American brand to be conducted via the Ford Leasing financing service, provided in partnership with UniCredit Leasing. This makes Ford the third brand to sign a partnership with UniCredit Leasing, after BMW Financial Services and Mazda Finance.

Leasing companies want to ensure a steady flow of clients by sealing direct partnerships with the importer, with the leasing company being the first to be recommended by the sales agent when the purchase is made.
On the Romanian market, financing services are also offered in partnership by Citroën with BRD, while Mercedes-Benz and Renault have their own financing divisions present on the Romanian market, Mercedes-Benz Financial Services, and RCI Leasing respectively.
"Next year we are hoping at least 40% of our overall sales to be done through Ford Leasing, while 99% of leasing sales will be accounted for by Ford Leasing," said Henrik Nenzen, general manager of the new Ford importer.