How much a local star makes from a commercial: 100,000 euros at most

Autor: Ana Raduta 15.12.2010

Associating a product with a star's image appears to be the sure recipe for effective advertising. Increasingly more companies want to try this strategy now that they no longer have time for experiments, whose rate of success is doubtful. It is more expensive, but managers say it is worth every penny.
Not long ago, Julia Roberts appeared in a Lavazza commercial. The actress did not do anything, just smiled for 30 seconds. The coffee producer rewarded her with 1.5 million dollars, making her one of the highest-paid stars to ever feature in a commercial.
The phenomenon is similarly extensive in Romania, but fees do not even come close to those received by the "Pretty Woman" actress, writes BUSINESS Magazin weekly.
Romanian advertisers say they have not heard of contracts worth more than 100,000 euros on the local market, so the two markets are clearly very different in terms of size, but they pursue the same goal - raising a product's awareness, creating a positive image and boosting sales.
"What advertisers are betting on is a fast transfer of affinity, respect and fame from the star to the company, unlike the situation where this perception would be achieved only by communicating ideas. The public is emotionally attached to stars, whose status affords them credibility.