Warranty for a new apartment shorter than a car's warranty

Autor: Cristi Moga 31.01.2011

Real estate developers offer as part of sales contracts for new homes warranties of up to two years for finishings, lower than when you purchase a car, although the life of a home is 50 years on average, and the investment in a home is much higher than in a car.
Home buyers are on the other hand protected by the law on homes and on construction quality, under which responsibility for "hidden flaws" that emerge over the course of ten years from reception falls with the designers, the contractors and the suppliers of construction materials, so the original investor, that the apartment was originally bought from, is not held accountable.
"No-one (no developer i.e.) will give you any written guarantees. With new blocks of apartments, there's always something that goes wrong. I had a plasterboard wall fall apart and had problems with the bath tub, it was leaking water," says the owner of a two-room new apartment in Titan Bucharest district, whose problems were solved by the developer, who was not, however, forced to do so by contract.