Eureko head: Only corporate demand can keep health insurance going

Autor: Ciprian Botea 23.02.2011

Companies will be the main clients for health insurance policies in the coming years as retail clients' financial situation will not improve too soon and demand from this segment will remain frail, believes Frans van der Ent, country manager of Eureko, a company that accounts for a third of this market.

"Health insurance will further depend on the corporate segment in the following years. Retail clients do not seem to see a rebound too soon, but on the corporate segment there are opportunities since certain industries have exited the crisis. Companies in these fields are starting to recruit again and must provide appealing benefit packages to their new employees," van der Ent told ZF in an interview.
Eureko head says the company's portfolio is now equally divided between retail and corporate clients, but in the future the situation with change in favour of the latter.
Gross premiums Eureko underwrote last year from health insurance were flat from 2009, when the company reported turnover worth 9.7m lei (around 2.3m euros) on this segment, where it holds a 35% share.