Around 20,000 companies with financial difficulties will be able to reschedule their tax obligations

Autor: Claudia Medrega 21.03.2011

Around 20,000 companies with financial difficulties will be able to reschedule their tax payment obligations over a period of up to five years. The Government adopted an emergency ordinance on Sunday that regulates the rescheduling of payment obligations, over a period of a maximum of five years, for companies with financial problems, conditional on setting up guarantees and on paying day-to-day debts, the instalments and the interests due over the rescheduling period.

"Around 20,000 economic operators could benefit from the provisions of this emergency ordinance. Many enterprises will be saved. If they did not benefit from a rescheduling, their accounts would be frozen, they would undergo foreclosure or become insolvent," said Finance Minister Gheorghe IalomiĊ£ianu,.

The emergency ordinance will become effective within 30 days from its publication in the Official Gazette, with the enforcement guidelines to be approved within the month, according to the draft. The beneficiaries of the incentives can be individuals and companies, from the public and the private sector alike.