140% growth for Motoractive

Ziarul Financiar 10.01.2005

Motoractive leasing company last year concluded contracts worth 60 million euros, up 140% compared with 2003, chief executive Stefan Coroianu stated. "The automotive market growth, the access to refinancing sources, as well as the opening of new offices led to the positive results for 2004," Coroianu added. The total contracts funded by the company in 2003 stood at 25 million euros, with the profit for that fiscal year amounting to 1.2 million euros. Out of the total contracts closed in 2004, 60% targeted the acquisition of cars, 30% commercial vehicles and 10% equipment. "Considering the risk of a saturation on the vehicle market and at the same time the potential of the industrial equipment, we set out to tap into this segment in 2005," the Motoractive official said. A c apital increase of one million euros performed in December 2004 pushed Motoractive's share capital up to 5.38 million euros. ZF