Orkla Foods confirms expansion

Ziarul Financiar 18.10.2004

The Romanian branch of the Norwegian food industry giant Orkla Foods confirms its intention to expand on the Romanian market both by acquiring new production facilities and by developing partnerships with domestic producers. "Norwegian Orkla Foods group is interested in expanding its activities in Romania, and is considering the possibility of operating some production facilities in partnership with other companies," says Aliz Kosza, general manager of Orkla Foods Romania. She added that the group's strategy includes growth through acquisitions. "There is interest in any type of business, but we will first introduce the product portfolio owned by Orkla, including tinned meat," added Kosza. She showed that Orkla was also interested in sealing a partnership with Prod. Ard ealul Covasna, Ardealul tinned meat producer. Orkla negotiated the takeover of Prod. Ardealul not long ago, but talks fell through because the two parties could not agree on the value of the transaction. ZF