Restless Dracula wants more money

Ziarul Financiar 23.06.2004

Fondul de Dezvoltare Turistica Sighisoara (Sighisoara Touristic Development Fund - FDTS), the company established to oversee the construction and running of Dracula Park, hopes to raise cash again by selling shares. This is despite the fact that it has yet to begin the project for which it raised cash from investors on the capital market three years ago. FDTS wants sell nearly $20 million in shares, a figure similar to the worth of a medium-sized company listed on the Bucharest Stock Exchange (BSE). The company is to put out a 643.9bn ROL (some $20 million) public offering within one month's time. The amount represents over 80% of the current capital of the company, with the shares it plans to sell actually being the shares it bought back from the Local Council of Sighisoara (the former location chosen for the park) last year. ZF< /P>