Eight suitors for Spumante Silvania

Ziarul Financiar 03.06.2004

Sparkling wine maker Spumante Silvania, controlled by the State Assets Resolution Authority (AVAS) has aroused the interest of eight investors. At least two of them specialise in production of beverages, namely Vinalcool Silvania and Andante Prod Com Baia Mare, which holds the controlling interests in Indagrara Arad, a local spirits producer. The other bidders are three companies and three individuals, one of which is Blaga Gavril, a local who does business in the US. "Spumante Silvania has kept a rather low profile lately, which is why bidders are not major players. They probably are business people from that region who spotted an opportunity to enter the sparkling wine market," says Ionut Dobronauteanu, chairman of the Interprofessional Organisation of Vine Farmers and Winemakers (ONIV). Spu mante Silvania accounted for less than 1% of the sparkling wine market last year. ZF