Petromidia on BSE

Ziarul Financiar 12.01.2004

Rompetrol Rafinare (Petromidia), the main company of the Rompetrol Group, has started procedures for listing on the Bucharest Stock Exchange (BSE), which might be done by the end of January, Dinu Patriciu, president and main shareholder of Rompetrol told Ziarul Financiar. Petromidia has already requested RASDAQ, the market where it is now listed, to keep its shares suspended from trading until completion of the procedures for listing on BSE.
Petromidia's shares are suspended from trading due to the changes in the share capital made over the last few weeks, which include an over $50 million increase stipulated in the privatisation contract and the splitting of the par value of the shares to 1,000 ROL from 214,220 ROL. Dinu Patriciu has been planning this move for quite a while, as another Rompetrol company, Rompetrol Well Services is already listed on BSE. Bes ide Rompetrol Rafinare-Petromidia, the other Rompetrol company listed on RASDAQ is Rompetrol SA, which used to hold the Vega Refinery now owned by Rompetrol Rafinare. ZF