Veolia to water Romanian villages

Ziarul Financiar 21.07.2003

Veolia Water, division of Veolia Environnement (formerly known as Vivendi Environnement), a water, energy, transports and sanitation operator is planning to expand operations on the Romanian market. First, it wants to get new concessions for water supply and sewer services in the big cities. The company also aims to reach the villages. "We have certain services we could provide to small communities, such as those in the rural areas. At the same time, the payment capacity in the rural areas is much lower than in cities and we will bear this in mind when making an offer. We will think of how to implement this programme, which we have applied in other countries, as well. However, competition-related reasons prevent me from disclosing more about our plans," Antoine Frerot, Veolia Water general manager said. The French group's investment in Romania is currently worth 85 million euros, aimed at its two concessions, Apa Nova Bucharest and Apa Nova Ploiesti. ZF