Datanet Systems: 10 employees generate $4.4m turnover

Autor: Iuliana Butuc Cerchez 22.11.2001

Datanet Systems estimates 4.4 million dollars in turnover this year, 25% higher than in 2000, Gabriel Musat, the company's general manager, told Ziarul Financiar.

The company was established four years ago and managed to maintain 25% annual growth pace, a goal set for 2002, as well. Datanet Systems last year registered 3.5 million dollars in total revenues.

The company operates on the IT and telecommunication market and is specialised in implementing equipment for PC networks, voice and transport commuting equipment and data solutions.

The greatest achievement so far was the Silver Partner certification the company received from Cisco Systems, a Datanet Systems partner since the beginning.

The certification process required investments worth 100,000 dollars and preparation for this programme was done during one and a half year. The advantages related to this certification are obvious.

"It is now much simpler for a customer to identify the company providing services with guaranteed quality," Musat said.

Although it has only 10 employees, the company manages the networks of BCR (Romanian Commercial Bank), NBR (National Bank of Romania), ABN Amro Bank, Demir Bank and Finansbank, while the collaboration with the telecommunication operators (RomTelecom, Mobil Rom, MobiFon and Cosmorom) is almost permanent.

The client portfolio also includes the Interior Ministry, Foreign Affairs Ministry, SIE (Foreign Intelligence Services), the Internet providers PCNET, KPNQwest, Astral Kappa and RDS.

The specialists of Datanet systems also deal with part of the networks of Romatsa, Reynolds Tobacco, Colgate-Palmolive and Intrarom.

"The need for networks has increased lately and the skills of those we aim at are also higher. It is easier to work with clients that know what it is about," Musat said.

The company also provides services with a guaranteed time of reply, meaning that if a network breaks, Datanet Systems may fix it within two hours (for Bucharest and neighbouring areas), four hours (for the rest of the country where the services are provided by the four partners of the company located in Timisoara, Bacau, Craiova and Cluj), or over the next day or within one week, depending on the client's option.

"We plan to maintain the growth pace, secure our position on the network security market and make headway in the multi-service, IP and tele-conference segments next year," the director of the company said.

The company is also planning to launch the proceedings for receiving the Cisco Gold Partner certification, which also requires investments worth 100,000 dollars.

As for the network securing market, "it is on the increase in Romania, but needs more work in transferring the information to the potential consumers of this kind of products and services. Few people are aware of the implications and the costs of not having security in their own networks," Musat said.