If men are such vile creatures why would women want to be our equals?

Autori: Ionascu , Mihai Panu Ionascu 21.06.2000

Some of you might be familiar with the series of articles "fathered" by one of my colleagues, concerning the misery and hardships women experience in a "male-dominated world." I think time has come for a representative of manhood to lift the challenge and fight for rights. I chose the word "fathered" for a reason. Males are the endangered species "du jour." Why, they have less protection than panda bears. While it is true that abuses have been made in the past and women used to have less rights than men, this is no longer the case. Why should modern man (an oxymoron, I know) suffer because of his forefathers? Are we responsible for their mistakes? Let us ponder the consequences of a simple action that I believe is called "public display of affection" (in this case an affectionate touch, although in some cases words are more than sufficient). Should a woman be the initiator, the consequences are that she is forthwith deemed kind and compassionate. But God forbid, should a man be the author. He will without delay be suspected of vile thoughts and dubious intentions. The more fervent defenders of "womanity" will drag the nefarious offender to court and fight him to the last lawyer. We are being called "chauvinistic pigs" and "womanizers." Are the ones saying these things not biased? Are there no protectors left for a knight in distress? I guess not. They called us everything: unreliable, lazy, violent... We have no means of defending ourselves. As soon as we raise our heads in disagreement we are put down by an overwhelming amount of examples testifying to the violence and contempt men displayed towards women throughout the ages. Any attempt on our behalf to stand up for our lost rights is smothered before it gets the chance to be heard by sympathetic ears. And then there are other things to be considered. Why on Earth would a woman want to be the equal of a man if men are such objectionable beings? If we are such menial individuals why should we be the object of envy? This article is not, by any means designed to show men's superiority. We no longer fight for supremacy, but for equality. I know our chances range from slim to none. No matter what women say, we are not equal. Women are dominating us. Sad as it may be for the macho inside, this is true... There are many private clubs for feminists but somehow man are chauvinistic if they don't allow women in their clubs. Men are weak because they don't stick together. Their ego prevents them from having a real chance to superiority. Do not fool yourselves brother machos out there. We are doomed. We see it everywhere but our egos force us not to admit it. (Incidentally my direct superior is a woman). I am not afraid. I will meet my end with my head high. My original intention was to make this article the first of a series. However, should you fail to see a sequel; well you will know for sure why...