Alpha Bank wants 8% share of lending market

Autor: Liviu Chiru 21.06.2006
Alpha Bank plans to attain a 7.5-8% share of the market of non-governmental lending by the end of 2008, says Sergiu Oprescu, executive vice-president of the bank.
At the end of March, the total credits granted by the bank totalled 768 million euros or 4.1% of non-governmental lending.
Oprescu says that loans on the retail segment (including real estate, consumer, and loans to small and medium-sized enterprises) amount to 42% of the total funding at the moment. He believes the optimum portfolio structure would be 55% retail and 45% for corporate loans.
"We will attain this optimum level in three years, which we are also considering from the viewpoint of market growth gradients," says Oprescu.
Alpha has been strongly involved in the funding of real estate projects lately, especially those carried out in Bucharest. Acc ording to Oprescu, the bank will continue with its aggressive financing policy, and will become involved in funding other projects in the country.
He estimates this year's market of real estate projects to reach 800 million - 1 billion euros, mainly targeting projects for the middle class and luxury clients. Alpha grants funding to both developers and buyers.
At present, real estate loans account for 11% of the total funding granted by the bank, while consumer finance amounts to nearly 9%.
Alpha Bank is getting ready to launch a new funding product for the mortgage segment, Oprescu explains, without providing any more details, so as "not to have the competition borrow our idea."
Bankers have become increasingly tight-lipped about their future plans, in a bid to maintain a competitive edge.
As far as consumer lending goes, Alpha Bank will launch new products aimed at funding specific personal needs, after introducing a range of products at the end of last year.