Tariceanu: I didn''t buy RRC at preferential prices

Ziarul Financiar 10.02.2006
Premier Calin Popescu Tariceanu stated yesterday that it could not be said that he bought his Rompetrol (stock ticker: RRC) stake for a preferential price, because the price was already 4.5 times higher than at the moment these shares were first listed. He added he had made the purchase based on information in the press. "I can confirm the decision to buy was based on information that was published in the press," the Prime Minister stated, adding he had made his acquisition through a brokerage firm. At the same time, he said he got the impression that some of his statements before the Prosecutor''s Office had been "leaked" to the press, which is not at all right, as far as he knows. Tariceanu added he had bought at a price that was over 4.5 times higher than the listing price. "Th erefore it cannot be said that I bought at a preferential price," the Cabinet chief stated. "Before my purchase, there had been no less than 1,800 transactions conducted involving the shares in question, which proves I was one of many who bought and kept buying," the Prime Minister concluded. ZF