Non-blue chips turn into moneymakers

Ziarul Financiar 02.02.2006
Investors have become interested again, during the last two weeks, in those stocks that are not part of the so-called blue-chips group, like IAR Brasov, Mecanica or Socep, which had seemingly been forgotten by buyers for over a year. Given that companies such as SIFs, banks and Petrom registered significant growth, Romanian investors have started to look for opportunities in smaller companies, as well. Thus, in January alone, shares in the helicopter producer IAR Brasov grew by almost 50% and those in the paper and cardboard manufacturer Vrancart Adjud by 40%. Farming equipment producer Mecanica Ceahlau increased by 30%, while companies such as Rompetrol Well Services, Socep Constanta or Petrotub Roman saw growth of over 20%. Petrotub grew 14% on Tuesday alone. ZF