Unita's business - 86% increase in 2007

Ziarul Financiar 06.02.2008
Unita, an insurance company held by Austrian-based Vienna Insurance Group, closed last year with business worth 138 million euros (460 million RON), up 86% compared with 2006. "The increase, much higher than the market increase of 35%, is related to our efforts to regain our market share, following the restructuring of the company. This increase was brought about both by our own sales network, as well as by our collaboration with brokers and leasing companies. Given the structure of the Romanian insurance market, the increase was primarily concerned with the development of the motor segment," said president of Unita Iulian Dumitru. At the end of last year, motor insurance accounted for 84% in the company's portfolio, of which 39% was auto liability insurance (RCA), which, according to the head of Unita, is the least profitable type of insurance, and 45% - comprehensive insurance.