Flamingo considers 40 Romanian cities for expansion

Ziarul Financiar 22.11.2007
Jiri Rizek, CEO of the electronics and home appliances retailer Flamingo International, says he is examining 40 cities in Romania with a view to opening stores with surface areas of 600-1,000 square metres, developed under the Flamingo brand. "Romania has 40 large cities which can accommodate at least one 600 - 1,000 square-metre store, and, after at least 5 years, the number of profitable branches of an electronics store will reach a similar level to that on the Western European markets," says Jiri Rizek, CEO of Flamingo International. Flamingo's CEO says 600 - 1,000 square-metre stores can expand by a maximum 60 to 70 stores, depending on the evolution of the market. "Three years from now, we could potentially cover a 100,000 square-metre sales area, but this is not our target," said Rizek. In comparison, Flamingo's main rival on the Romanian market, Altex, has a retail area of almost 100,000 square metres, with its three retail concepts. For next year, Flamingo has announced that, after a return to profit at the end of the first three quarters of the year, it will continue to expand its national network by opening 10 new large-size Flanco World stores in medium-sized cities.