Latest Harry Potter mobile game developed in Bucharest

Ziarul Financiar 26.06.2007
The latest Harry Potter mobile phone game, "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix", which will be globally launched in the next few days, has been entirely developed in the Bucharest studios of Electronic Arts, the biggest worldwide producer of video games. The game has been developed under a Warner Bros Digital Distribution licence and is based on the movie of the same name. "The game is 100% original and 100% Romanian developed", Mihai Pohontu, general manager of Electronic Arts Mobile, told ZF. This year, the Electronic Arts division would expand its Romanian operations, and would open new business lines in Bucharest, stated Pohontu. The American producer started its Romanian division in 2005, with a studio designing and programming games for mobile phones. Sin ce then the number of staff has climbed to 145. "By January 1st 2008, Electronic Arts Romania will have at least 175 employees", added Pohontu. This year's operating budget stands at 3.5 million dollars.