Ilie Carabulea: " We need to prepare for when foreign investors leave"

Ziarul Financiar 14.07.2008
Ilie Carabulea, the Sibiu-based businessman who controls Banca Comerciala Carpatica and the Atlassib group, believes Romanian entrepreneurs need to be prepared for when major foreign investors exit the country.
"Romanian capital needs to be ready for when foreign investors go in search of profit elsewhere, other than Romania. Unfortunately, Romanians place more trust in international financial groups than in local groups. I believe local entrepreneurs stand the same chances of success," Ilie Carabulea stated.
The shareholder of Banca Comerciala Carpatica, one of the few Romanian-held banking institutions, again denied rumours of a sale to Commerzbank, the second-largest German bank in terms of assets.
"I don't want to sell the bank. Wer e I to sell it, I would have nothing to put my money into. We have development plans for the next three years so a sale is out of the question," Carabulea said. He owns 35.8% in the bank.
Banca Comerciala Carpatica, listed on the Bucharest Stock Exchange as BCC, saw its shares go up 15% after rumours of a takeover surfaced. Sources quoted by Mediafax on June 25 said Commerzbank was in talks to take over Banca Carpatica, with the deal to be finalised by autumn. At the time the news was published, the shares had lost 3.18%, and were worth 0.2130 RON. After the news came to light, Carpatica's shares surged by 15%.
"The rumour about the sale of the bank made me very happy because nobody pays too much attention to us. Commerzbank was the first bank we worked with for international transfers. I've had offers to sell Carpatica, but talks did not go any further than due diligence (i.e. providing financial information to investors that are interested in a takeover)," the businessman added.