Vladescu: excessive deficit is an option, if it finances road infrastructure

Ziarul Financiar 24.06.2008
However stable Romania may be from a macroeconomic point of view, if inflation fell below 3% and the budget deficit under 1%, or even in the case of a budget surplus, if road infrastructure problems are not resolved the Romanian economy runs a severe risk of a blockage by 2014, according to Sebastian Vladescu (photo), former Finance minister. "The timeframe we have at our disposal is no more than two years, and we have to start in 2009, and allocate 4 billion euros just for infrastructure. The solution lies with committing to a political decision and having the national interest in mind, because such a project entails massive investments. Romania has to run an excessive budget deficit in the next three years and fight the European Commission to impose its point of view, since this is a modernising-oriented investment," says Vladescu. He believes that, after motorway and railway modernising projects failed to materialise, Romania is likely to lose major foreign investment projects over the next few years. "The fact that we have missed the Mercedes project should be a warning sign, and time is becoming a major factor". Vladescu says Romania needs to make a priority list for investments, and estimate budgetary costs for each investment - how many kilometres of motorway, modernised railway track, how many airports and hospitals, as well as how many military aircraft, as part of Romania's commitment to NATO.