Kraft Foods and Strauss fight for top spot on coffee market

Autor: Mihaela Popescu 19.06.2008
German coffee producer Tchibo posted turnover worth 13 million euros on the Romanian market last year, up 6.5% against 2006, according to company data, followed closely by the importer of the Amigo brand, Panfoods, with turnover worth 11.8 million euros.
International players dominate the local coffee market, with the only top-ranking Romanian company being Cafea Fortuna.
According to data provided by companies, last year's sales increases did not exceed 20%.
Coffee consumption in Romania was half the average consumption recorded in the European Union (5 kilos per capita), according to 2006 data from the International Coffee Organization, which is based on the volume of imported coffee. Since Romania is not a coffee producer, imports are a relevant indicator of local consumption.
According to the same source, in terms of the volume of imported coffee per capita, Romania ranked last among EU member states and acceding countries in 2006.
National Statistics Institute data from 2007 indicates that coffee imports in Romania have witnessed a downward trend, which some players blame on the black market. In terms of volume, the level of coffee imported to Romania was estimated at 40,000 tonnes last year.
The two players fighting for the top position are Kraft Foods and Strauss (formerly Elite). Kraft's portfolio includes the brands Jacobs, Nova Brasilia, Carte Noire and Brasiliero, while Strauss is present locally with Elite and Elita.
Nestle has a strong position on the coffee machines segment, which lately witnessed rapid growth. Recently, Nestle Romania has rebranded its food service division (Nescafe machines) as Nestle Professional. The drinks division currently holds the biggest share (27% of Nestle Romania's sales), which includes other instant products other than coffee.